The standard tarot deck contains 56 members of the lesser arcana, each with a detailed illustration which is interpreted in a variety of ways depending on the position in the spread, the observation of the reader and the question at hand. The Dishonored Deck contains little to no symbolism in the lesser arcana. The hierarchy (Kings, Queens, Jacks and Commoners) all contain a portrait which corresponds to that card. The numerical cards, unlike the standard deck, contain no illustrations. To this end, below I have detailed by interpretations of the portraits in the hierarchy and some possible meanings. For the numericals cards I have relied on the interpretations gained from my experience and from standard , time honored interpretations which can be found in hundreds of books and dozens of websites. It must be noted that the Dishonored deck contains no numerical inversions. The standard deck relies on inverted or upright positioning to properly ascertain a divination. Since these cards are symmetrical there is no inverted meaning.I suggest that beginners learn from The Biddy Tarot website . I have found the systems and interpretations taught on this site and through many courses to be accurate and very "learnable".
The Suite of Swords
Military, uniformity, logic, reason, conformity, aggression, power, a show of force.
King of Swords. A nobleman with his hand hidden suggestion a Napoleonic pose, or perhaps a hidden agenda or weapon. A card suggesting intellectual authority and logical, just prowess. The King of Swords demands detachment from emotional congress and rely strictly on procedure and logic. The King looks to the present.
Queen of Swords. A nobelwoman of Character looks to the past. Judgment is called for with emotion , look to the past for clues as to mistakes which might be made in the future or answers which can be used. Learn from previous mistakes or successes.
Jack of Swords. A servant of nobility. The Jack hides something behind her back. She watches those around her and holds great secrets. Something is being hidden. A person of lesser stature knows more than they let on.
Commoner of Swords. A middle class man. A messenger. News is forth coming. Probably not of a desirable nature.
One of swords. Raw power, victory, a solitary source of glory. Power and honor.
Deuce of sword. Impossible task, blind ambition, one who cannot decide.
Three of swords. Heartache, despair. (Also- Science and things of great logic)
Four of sword. Rest, contemplation, an end to struggles.
Five of swords. Aggression, anger, a great battle fought alone. Possibly victorious.
Six of swords. Travel is indicated. A serious change of life.
Seven of swords, Theft, betrayal, loss.
Eight of swords. A futile struggle. Isolation.
Nine of swords. Sleepless nights, worry, frustration
Ten of swords. Stabbed in the back and left to die. (one of the worst cards in the lesser arcana)
The Suite of Rats
Very different from the aligned standard Suite of Coins or Pentacles. The standard deck divination calls for interpretations dealing with money or material gain. Rats and Coins are very different. Rats live in colonies and share food. Rats help each other survive. Rats steal from other species.The suite of Rats deserves special interpretations which are different from the standard deck. The Rats are more about community, team, family and the well being of these structures than strict material gain and my interpretations are along those lines. It must be noted that starving rats will kill and eat a select member of their pack.
The Rat King. A man of power who looks clearly and distinctly at the present. He weighs the situation and measures it by the only standard he knows, that which is good for his people.
The Rat Queen. The queen of rats is blind, her eyes are closed. Like any rat she probably relies on her sense of smell and hearing to guide her. Her intuition is fierce, reliable and is used for the protection of her nest. Heed any warning she might have. Chances are danger is afoot.
The Jack of Rats. A domestic of the Rat empire. She tends the needs of other rats. She looks to the present and does what is necessary to maintain her associates.
The Commoner of Rats. Looking to the future the Commoner keeps his arms folded. He is a follower. His intentions while valid and good, seldom lead to greater things above that of a common rat life.
One of Rats. The starts of a new relationship, project, community, religion/church, business. A new group coming together
Deuce of Rats. The balance of a relationship or partnership. One rat balances another rat.
Three of Rats: Teamwork.
Four of Rats. Stability of the colony.
Five of Rats, A rat which does not belong, one which is about to be eaten, A colony out of balance.
Six of Rats. Sharing of the feast, the common good.
Seven of Rats: Vigilance. One rat must guard the pack. Keep an eye out for predators or traps.
Eight of Rats: Knowledge of the working structure of the colony is to be learned. One who has attained this understanding.
Nine of Rats. A time of peace for the colony and prosperity.
Ten of Rats: The colony is established and is now ready to expand or to create another colony.
The Suite of Skulls
The Skull is the "Cups" of the Dishonored deck, an odd alignment at best but when we consider that the cups of the standard deck represent the vessels which carry our emotions, our thoughts and relationships consider that the skull is the vessel of our brain and inside our brain is contained all of our thoughts and emotions.
The King of Skulls is s decorated man of position, he looks to the future. He represents a person of emotional and intellectual control and balance. Prosperity through control.
The Queen of Skulls is an affluent woman of power who looks to the present. Slightly nodding to the past. She represents the use of emotion to gain prosperity. She might be a player who seeks to control others through their emotional needs.
The Jack of Skulls, A domestic who sternly observes the present. She is not happy with her condition but will not look towards the future nor will she learn from the past.
The Commoner of Skulls. A stocky man of determination, he carries an unidentified weapon and looks to the past. As all of the Commoners, he engages in the exchange of knowledge , gossip and information. He will bring bad news, usually from the past.
One of Skulls: Happiness, an overpowering amount of joy. Ecstasy.
Deuce of Skulls. Unified partnership. Two heads that think as one. The free exchange of ideas. (Authors note- with other decks this card frequently indicates homosexual desires or relationships)
Three of Skulls. Friendship, a menge e trois . (Authors note- With other decks this card carries a very feminine connotation and can indicate lesbian relationships
Four of Skulls. The offering of friendship or love which is ignored, a mind which is willfully not developing.
Five of Skulls. Loss, regret. All has been used up or taken.
Six of Skulls: Childish thoughts or actions, naivety.
Seven of Skulls: Dreams of success, illusions of grandeur. Visions but not reality.
Eight of Skulls: Withdrawal , a walking away when things are good, returning to a previous life.
Nine of Skulls: Fulfilment . If it were possible to reverse it might suggest gluttony.
Ten of Skulls: The happiness of a complete life or mission accomplished.
The Suite of Pistols
The Pistols represent the modern sword. They are a means of getting things done. The ammunition to cut through problems, the tools to possess in creating a new world. They are protection as well as offensive.
The King of Pistols. A well clad nobleman looks to the present and offers a coin. A man or situation which deals with money and finances. One of the few cards in the Dishonored deck which is directly associated with cash flow.
The Queen of Pistols . A commonly dressed Queen examines her jewelry. The gems are not especially brilliant indicating that the wealth of this card lies in taking stock of the value of what is in hand.
The Jack of Pistols. A slightly unkempt domestic looks toward the past. She is indicative of a person who dwells upon the past and refuses to move on with life.
The Commoner of Pistols. An shabby man of chic taste yet low means. he drinks. A person who under-achieves , a drunkard. A person who holds tight to his addictions regardless of how much harm is done.
One of Pistols: New power, creation, begginnings.
Deuce of Pistols:. Plans are in balance or plans are out of balance, one must ascertain which by using other cards.
Three of Pistols: Plans delayed
Four of Pistols: Communication
Five of Pistols: Disagreement, strife, stress
Six of pistols: Public recognition
Seven of Pistols: One against many
Eight of Pistols: Problems coming from thin air, be expedient .
Nine of Pistols : Keep an eye out, watch-full, observant, paranoid
Ten of Pistols: The burden of life, of creation