Probable alignment with The Magician
The number twelve card in the deck.
A heavily bearded and disheveled looking man stands posed staring straight from the canvas.
In the past and present positions on the spread this card probably indicates a person who is philosophical and introverted. Quite possibly an artist or musician. He is clearly the sort of individual with disregard for outward appearance or social conventions, choosing rather to focus on creative forces and their implementation in real world scenarios. The Artist is a creative force and could be a "go-to" guy for complex situational problems which require thinking and action outside the paradigm of the everyday.
In a future position the need to rely on these abilities or to find a person who possess them is indicated.
In a reversed aspect the artist would be the kind of person described above but who uses his prowess for darker purposes. One who puts self before the community. One who cherishes his own fame above his actual contribution to society. A poser.