Probable alignment with The Lovers
The number ten card in the deck
Identical twins stand side by side, dressed in matching outfits. One cusp his hands in the shape of a valentine heart. They both stare headlong from the canvas.
This is not a card of true love as in the standard tarot. It is a card of strong relationships. The sort of bonding which often occurs between twins . These men know each other, these men are each other. As with all the cards in the Dishonored deck it carries a strong dark imagery but the placement on a spread will determine how much influence, positive or negative this card will have.
In a present of future sense it naturally indicates a relationship of great importance. This relationship might contain love but it is not the only element in the coupling. There might be symbiotic and all of the variations of symbiosis that exist. A review of the Wikipedia article on such relationships as they occur in nature is strongly suggested for a full understanding of what this card might mean. The relationship might perhaps be a financial one. This might be a sexual relationship and this is the only card in any deck which would suggest an incestuous relationship. All of these factors must be considered when reading this card.
Inverted this card would mean a relationship like the ones mentioned above except destructive. A relationship which is depleting and hurtful but which for whatever reasons must be maintained.