The Urchin Prince

No obvious alignments with standard tarot decks

The number nine card in the deck

Author's note: This is my favorite card in the deck. I do not think it has an equal in a standard tarot deck.

The Urchin Prince is a man who has risen to the top of the lowest levels of society. The street urchins of the Victorian era were the absolute lowest of class. Their equivalent in today's society are the homeless.
The Urchin Prince is dressed in well kept underclass clothing and a top hat, probably his "crown" among his people. He carries a formidable knife. This is less for aggressive behavior and more of his "scepter"  He is man who is not to be dealt with lightly. He has several different aspects of his character which must be realized.

He is a fighter. He has struggled with poverty and the indignation of high society all of his life, yet he has survived and now relishes his role as a prince among the derelicts. He is smart, possibly he is more street wise than book smart but knowledge is absorbed as soon as it is presented. If he has to learn "book smarts" , he will. I is his nature to rise to any challenge. His people look to him with great reverence because he comes from them and is a part of their world. He understands them and is able to bring their plight to the powerful and the rich. He provides for them.

Inverted these same qualities would still be there, they would however follow darker paths. A prince without principal, a ruthless leader who has climbed over the backs of others to achieve power. One who values his position more than his people. He might also be the harbinger of death and unjust destruction.