Possible alignment to The High Priestess
The number fourteen card in the deck.
A prim and proper , well groomed lady stands akimbo. Her costume is somewhat suggestive of a housekeeper, also suggestive of an authoritarian.
The Governess is a strong female figure who oversees the well being and education of others. She is a mother figure and a teacher. Her knowledge is vast. She employees common sense in every aspect of her life. Her personal life is possibly very limited choosing to stand for the good of others as opposed to self indulgence.
In a present or past position the card is indicative of these qualities. In a future position these qualities must be earned or utilised for an optimum outcome or the spread is showing the need for someone with these qualities to come into play.
In an reversed position she would represent a female figure of frailty and excess. A woman who plays ignorance and weakness to garner the attention of others. In the reverse, this is an extremely negative connotation . One who has these negative qualities will be taken advantage of without recourse.