Possible alignments with Death, The Tower, The Moon
The number six card in the deck.
The Weeper stands hunched, his face clad in a death mask and his hand extended in a groping motion a mere bone covered in grey flesh. The Weeper wears clothing that might have one day been a dignified business suit but has suffered degradation, and is torn. The Weeper might have been buried in this suit.
This card is one of the most haunting of the images used in the Dishonored deck. The Weeper carries no positive influence. Should the Weeper appear anywhere in any spread the dark influence must be dealt with and discussed with a qualified tarot reader.
In past or present positions The Weeper indicates a situation which is causing great pain and suffering. A dramatic loss, possibly death or grave illness. The Weeper may also be a person in the field of influence which is deliberately causing pain.
In a future position The Weeper indicates that a path of destruction has been chosen and the reader must advise all caution against what is yet to come. The ultimate outcome of the future is full of sadness and tears unless dramatic measures are taken quickly.
In an inverted position it is doubtful that The Weeper would indicate nothing less than sorrow but perhaps something akin to frustration and pointlessness . It is possible that one has been striving against odds to accomplish something which is not going to happen. This has caused the heartache and pain.